Posts Tagged ‘tiny’

Unique Edible Valentines

We like to give edible valentines each year at school. This year, I was having trouble thinking of something easy (medical issues were making it tough to stand on my feet for too long without my heart rate getting out of control and completely fatiguing me). I was going through some scrap booking paper I had gotten probably over a decade ago and came across this cute paper with chocolate chips and cookies all over it. I had gotten it to do a page showing my daughter baking with me, but I obviously never followed through. Anyway, when I saw this paper, I instantly said “I’m ‘kookie’ for you!”, and our valentines were born! 

These chocolate chip cookies were so tiny! I used little baggies that were meant for cake/lollipops and fastened the paper to ‘seal’ off the bags with heart-shaped eyelets. A little cookie paper heart and some lettering and the Valentine’s were good to go! So adorable!