Posts Tagged ‘grilled cheese’

Is Tomato Soup a Comfort Food?

I believe that ‘Comfort Food’ can be different for everyone. When I came home with some tomatoes that my sister had grown (as my small dish garden only produced one very tiny green tomato-seriously… it’s still hanging there-green as could be), I tried to think of ways to use them. Of course there is tomato sauce, blt, tomato and cucumber salad, etc… But then I looked out the window and saw how drizzly it was and felt how damp it was even inside the house. I picked some fresh basil off of my potted herbs and made some tomato soup for dinner. Of course I paired it with grilled cheese sandwiches-because after all, they just belong together! While the home-grown, home-made flavor really hit the spot for me, my family decided they preferred the Campbell’s kind from a can. Hmpff! They can have their canned soup with all the added salt and whatever else it has in it-I liked MY soup! Don’t get me wrong, I love Campbell’s tomato soup! However, I felt comforted by my home-made version. It was full of flavor from the fresh ingredients! No additives. No preservatives.

Is tomato soup a comfort food for you? What are some of your comfort foods?…you know, the foods that make you feel all warm and fuzzy and happy?